Why Should I Serve on a Team?

February 18, 2021

Service to others is an essential component of Christian life. As a believer, we are to emulate Jesus in everything we do. Throughout the Gospels, we see that Jesus was focused on serving others. He never sought anything for His own gain but rather for the benefit of others. His servant’s heart should serve as motivation and inspiration to us all. When we live our life in service to others, we live out the mission that Jesus has called us to do.

Matthew 20:28 says, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (NLT). Think about this verse more closely for a moment. Jesus, the only one worthy of worship, cast that right aside and inside chose to devote His life to others. He focused on serving others to the point of evening washing His disciple’s feet!

If Jesus was willing to go to such great lengths to serve, what is holding you back? As a church, we need to join together to mobilize our efforts to relieve the burden of others. We must utilize our God-given gifts as the body of Christ to change the world for the Gospel. This is more than possible when we serve on a team at church. God desires for us to join in His work of reaching into people’s hearts and spreading the Gospel around the world.

There are a variety of ministries available for you to join. Reach out to your pastor and together find the best place you can express your unique talents. Remember, when you serve others, you emulate Christ and join in His redemptive work. You can make an impact on the world for the cause of the Gospel. Are you ready to walk that path today?

Ryan Heathco

Ryan Heathco is the Lead Pastor of Ben Davis Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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