Can I Trust the Bible?

January 14, 2021

Making Sense of Life

We live in a confusing, crazy world, and everyone tells us that there is no manual for life. But what if that wasn’t true? What if there was a manual for life? The Bible is the Word of God, which He inspired the biblical authors to write. Through it, He teaches us about Him, the world around us, and how we are to live in it. Anything we need to know about life is contained within its pages. The Bible is our ultimate source for truth, wisdom, and guidance.

How do we know that we can trust the Bible? How do we know that it truly is the Word of God? Rest assured that the translations that we have today were meticulously put together with the highest standards by only the best biblical scholars. They worked with the oldest known manuscripts available of the biblical texts. Also, know that the different manuscripts that we have from different areas show very few inconsistencies. This truth shows us that the Bible was handed down to us with the utmost of care.

God desires to have a relationship with you, and a big way that He does that is through His Word. In it, He reveals His character, His love for you, and His purpose for your life. When you invest time in reading the Bible, you find all the answers that you need in life. God has filled the Bible with immeasurable truth that is as relevant today as it was the day He inspired the authors to write it.

The Bible will change your life. Commit to read it every day, and watch as God’s presence overwhelms you. You can trust the Bible because it is the very Word of God, handed down to us by generations of believers who gave their lives to protect it.

Ryan Heathco

Ryan Heathco is the Lead Pastor of Ben Davis Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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