How Do I Use My Spiritual Gift?

July 30, 2021

If you have a sense of what your spiritual gift is, or might be, seek opportunities in the church to try it out! We have plenty of ways you can start using your gift now. Here are a few ideas for different giftings, but this in no way covers them all!

Hospitality→ Hosting others in your home makes a big impact. But making others feel at home is also just as important! Our Guest Services Team aims to make Ben Davis Christian Church a warm space where people can come and feel the love of Jesus. Our Communion Team would also fit this gifting.

Mercy→ You might feel a sense of compassion when you see people going through hardship. You can join with others to pray for people in these situations in our Prayer Group. Or even serve in a practical way, as our Care Team wants to meet needs in this category.

Service→ Do you like to build, clean, or serve physical needs? Our Operations Team might be the spot for you. This team helps to maintain our facilities and performs manual labor. It truly is a gift to have members that will help us keep our church operating!

Teaching→ We have Neighborhood Group leadership positions for those who want to help instruct and build up the body of Christ. You might also consider serving the next generation in this area by helping teach elementary, middle school, or high school students in our NextGen Ministry.

Music→ You don’t have to sing like Ariana Grande to be involved in Worship Arts. If you have a desire to help God’s people connect to him through music, we invite you to participate in this service area. Whether you play an instrument, sing, or want to be involved with production, we would love to allow you to use your gifting to help us glorify God as a church body.

Don’t worry if your spiritual gift isn’t listed here. We still need and desire to have your gift utilized in our church. Feel free to browse the other service opportunities, talk to a team leader, or even suggest where you sense God leading you. We can’t wait to see how we benefit from your spiritual gift as the body of Christ.

Ryan Heathco

Ryan Heathco is the Lead Pastor of Ben Davis Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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