What does God say about Depression?

March 8, 2021

The Bible has a lot of powerful wisdom and inspiration for those struggling with depression. One of the most prominent biblical figures in the Old Testament struggled a great deal with his feelings. Throughout the Book of Psalms, David chronicles his pain. He went through so much in his life, and his heart and mind would often grow weary. The same happens to us today. Under the pressures of life, we find ourselves facing heavy burdens. This, alongside other factors, can cause us to fall into a state of depression.

Depression can be hereditary, but it can also be the product of a bad environment. Keep yourself healthy mentally by staying healthy spiritually and physically. Our spiritual and physical health is tied to our mental health. Holistically looking at our health is essential. Many believe that depression will go away if you pray hard enough or make enough of an effort. This is a dangerous misconception! Sometimes you need help, and God has trained up people with the calling to serve you in your time of need.

Experiencing depression for two weeks or more is considered clinical depression, and you should seek the help of a counselor. Even though depression can affect your spiritual life, it is not a sin in and of itself. You should not be ashamed of your feelings and try to hide them. There’s no shame in speaking to a therapist. We can help you find a Christian counselor through our therapist network. See the resources available at bdcc.org/help.

Back to David and the Bible. David is so inspiring because he continues to hope in God in the midst of his pain. Even after crying out in his deepest misery, David praises the Lord and expresses trust in him. And what happens? God responds by filling David with boundless hope. He wants to do the same for you today. No matter what you find yourself struggling against, put your faith and trust in the Lord.

Ryan Heathco

Ryan Heathco is the Lead Pastor of Ben Davis Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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