How Jesus Guides Us on the Road to Wholeness and Healing

March 8, 2021

A life of faith in Christ is a balanced life. It brings us to health in body, mind, and spirit. We recognize that as beings created in God’s image gifted with the Holy Spirit residing in us, we must care for all aspects of ourselves. This includes our mental state. God cares greatly for our mental health! Jesus wants to lead us down the path to wholeness and healing. This is how He accomplishes it.

He Strengthens Our Identity

Our mental health is tied closely to our identity. The better understanding we have of our identity, the healthier our minds will be. Jesus gives us the very foundation of our identity: the incredible truth that we are children of God! 1 John 3:1 says, “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” (NLT). Everything else we understand about our identity stems from this beautiful truth.

He Gives Us Purpose

God had designed a specific purpose for our lives since before we were even born. He also equips us with unique gifts to use to see it through to fruition! This purpose strengthens our identity, giving us a mission and focus in our lives.

He Connects Us to a Family of Faith

God created us to be in relationship with one another. When our bonds are strong, our minds and souls are whole and well. God designed us this way. When we follow Jesus, we are connected to a family of faith, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. These bonds give us the love, support, and encouragement that we need to be well.

No matter where you find yourself in life, Jesus wants to lead you down the path to renewal, restoration, and healing. His healing power encompasses body, mind, and soul. Commit to following His lead and striving towards better holistic health as we move towards the glorious Easter season.

Ryan Heathco

Ryan Heathco is the Lead Pastor of Ben Davis Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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