Seeing Beyond the Now

Josue Portillo

September 15, 2024

About the Sermon

This sermon takes us into the heart of the struggle of waiting on God. Habakkuk’s frustration with God’s timing resonates with our own experiences of feeling like God is slow to act. We’ll explore why God’s responses can seem delayed and gain a deeper understanding of how to trust His perfect timing, even when it challenges our patience.

Raise to Release

Arrows fulfill their purpose when they are released. Raising arrows means trusting God as they step into the world to make an impact.

Aiming With Purpose

Arrows don’t hit targets by accident—they must be aimed with purpose. We help young people discover their gifts, calling, and mission.

Generational Faith

Preparing the next generation requires time, effort, and intentional shaping. We equip them with spiritual disciplines, biblical truth, and integrity.