You Are Enough

February 18, 2021

I am not sure how you came upon these words. Maybe you were searching for something- anything to focus on other than the chaos that seems to be constantly evolving. Maybe you are tired of hearing that you aren’t enough, that you need to do more and be more. Maybe every attempt at organizing your closet and decluttering your junk drawer in the hopes it will provide you a sense of control leaves you feeling even more depleted and discouraged. Maybe you are numb, mindlessly combing Amazon and social media to keep from having to address the anxiety that has taken up too much residence in your heart. Whether you arrived by accident or with intention, my hope is that you will breathe easy knowing you are welcome here.

The hard truth I wrestle with is this: I am not enough. Often this idea frustrates me. I am a chronic striver. I strive day in and day out to please and perfect, to find a better way to do something that already works just fine. Good enough is never good enough. If I’m honest, I am exhausted. The trying and planning and doing and being is robbing me of any feelings of contentment and joy. Culture constantly tells me that I must be better. Better at multi-tasking and managing. Better both at work and home. Better at doing more with less.

Yet, Scripture tells us Jesus died to make us free and that we are better simply by being in His presence.

So, here you will find there are no qualifications nor list of tasks you must complete to be eligible. You are made worthy not for the Pinterest-perfect, Instagram filtered version of yourself- but for the insecure, inconsistent, constantly seeking the next best thing version of yourself. The version of ourself that identifies best as a sinner in desperate need of a Savior. In Him we are free from to-do lists and deadlines. Free from striving. Free from the pursuit of perfection.

Free to be more than enough simply because He loves us, and we are His.

Alisha Dixon

Alisha Dixon is a member of Ben Davis Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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