What if I Don’t Want to Read My Bible?

January 2, 2021

Reading the Bible is Challenging

Let’s be honest: reading the Bible is challenging! It’s an entirely different experience than opening up any other book you have ever read. Sometimes we get discouraged in sticking to our Bible reading plan. We approach it with an earnest desire but stumble along the way. That’s normal and happens to us all!

So what do we do when we don’t want to read our Bible?

1. Seek Wisdom

When the Bible just isn’t making sense, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Pastors, spiritual mentors, and Christian friends can provide unmatched motivation and insight into your study of the Scriptures. God has created us for relationship, and through those relationships, we can gain a better understanding of His Word.

2. Ask God for Help

God desires to enter in relationship with us through diving into His Word together. He wants to walk alongside us in our lives, and one of the most powerful ways that He reveals His purpose for us is through the Scriptures. The time spent in the Word is invaluable time with the Lord. Be patient, and let Him guide you to developing the skills you need to understand the Bible.

 3. Stay Consistent

Nothing beats consistency. Even though the Bible can be hard to understand, the more you stick with it and read, the easier it becomes. It is like anything else that you do in life: the more you practice your skills, the better equipped you will be. Stay firm on your Bible reading plan, and God will open your eyes on how to read His Word.

John 5:39 reads, “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! ” (NIV). No matter how challenging, never give up on seeking God through His Word. You will most assuredly find Him there, and He will alter the course of your life.

Ryan Heathco

Ryan Heathco is the Lead Pastor of Ben Davis Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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